About Us

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Years Of Experiences

What we do

Our approach is rooted in specific engineered solutions based on each client’s situation. We work with state-of-the-art technologies to ensure we deliver an economically optimised solution, value for money and timely delivery.

Our services go beyond just the design and installation of systems. We provide full energy solutions maximising return on investment. AtlanticX will be with you each step of the way.

Our Mission Statement​

Our mission is to use our expertise and leadership to bring clean solar energy to everyone.

Why choose Us?

We are accredited Australian Clean Energy Council (CEC) professionals and all our installers are accredited by CEC.

We have extensive experience in the industrial, commercial and residential energy sectors. With our full energy review services, we ensure you will get value for money and a positive return on investment.

With our solutions, we help you reduce your carbon footprint and use green and clean energy.

Contact us today to find out how.

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Years Of Experiences

Going Green Has Never Been So Easy

At Atlantic Power Exchange (APX), we are focused on providing clean energy solutions through solar, batteries or other technologies.

​With the energy transition upon us, we are here for you to ensure you are not left behind and that you are part of the solution for reducing our carbon footprint for the next generation.

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