Our Services


Energy Review

We review your energy contract and provide you with a holistic solution. Solar or batteries may not be the first port of call to reduce your power costs. We can assist you in selecting a more economical energy agreement based on your circumstances.

Residential Solar Panel & Battery

In the current economic environment, renewable energy provides one of the best returns on investment. Talk to our experienced team so that we can design a system to help you realise your energy goals.


Commercial Solar Panel & Battery

We understand commercial energy drivers will be different. Our team has designed and installed commercial systems understanding the complexities associated with commercial clients such as strata committees.

AtlanticX 3 Step Process


Analysing Your Power needs

Our experts will review your energy bill and discuss your daily energy usage pattern. This will inform the design of the suitable system.


Economic & Environmental Goals

Every situation is different, and every client has their unique goals and drivers. We review your goals to ensure your system design aligns with your goals and can deliver results.

Deliver Results

Based on your energy requirements, and the goals you would like to achieve, we will design a system that delivers these results.

Reduce Bill fatigue

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed every time you receive your energy bill? We’ve got you covered. We constantly review the retail electricity energy market and have the pulse of the market. As part of any system installation, we can review and recommend an energy contract that works best with your new system maximising value.

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